The Tesla plant is highly automated and ignores the importance of adaptive manufacturing.

Tesla previously set a goal of producing 5,000 Model 3 electric vehicles per week in 2018, but has yet to achieve half of its goals. In this regard, Tesla CEO Elon Musk confessed that over-automation, underestimating the role of humans. In fact, current Tesla's fully automated program ignores a problem, and humans are more adaptable to change than artificial intelligence (AI). Although the future of AI is expected to replace humans, the current leaders still need to judge the correct speed of change.

The Tesla plant is reported to be highly automated. Musk has long recognized that any process that follows a series of predefined steps and is carried out in a controlled environment such as a factory can be automated through AI and robots.

Despite the rapid development of automated systems, humans are still much stronger in adapting to unforeseen changes. This should not be underestimated when working in a complex factory. Looking back at Tesla's productivity issues, Musk undoubtedly ignored the importance of adaptive manufacturing (adapTIve manufacturing), and the chances of small errors and unforeseen circumstances are directly proportional to process complexity.

The Tesla plant is highly automated, ignoring the importance of adaptive manufacturing

Humans continue to evolve in order to survive in a changing world, so humans are good at dealing with unexpected situations and the differences between expected and actual events. For example, people can move forward by walking, swimming, jumping, climbing and crawling, thus being able to cope with radical changes in highly complex situations.

On the other hand, the intelligence and adaptability of machine learning have not yet reached the level of humanity. Advanced AI algorithms can learn to recognize similar situations, such as turning red lights or falling into the street, even better than humans; but the adaptability of robots is still limited to changes in objects or events.

In fact, people have not yet mastered flexible AI designs to deal with unpredictable environments. The intelligent limited automatic guided vehicle (AGV) can only follow a simple command and travel along a fixed route in a limited environment. The packaging robot can pick up the product and put it in a carton without having to do something more complicated. When the task changes, you must replace the different robots.

More sophisticated mobile robots also have built-in sensors and scanners, as well as software that can detect the surrounding environment and choose the most efficient route, because the products are not necessarily placed in the same location each time. These robots are more flexible and adaptable, but far from what humans can do.

This can be a problem for an over-automated factory. Because of small physical differences, such as tires, ground wear, and inaccurately positioned parts can quickly accumulate and cause unpredictable conditions. When a process changes or a factory starts producing new products, it will need to reconfigure the equipment and find a different solution, which is not what AI and Robotics do.

Musk has publicly stated that he wants to build a fully automated factory to overcome human speed limits and achieve higher yields. But a highly automated environment such as a highly automated factory requires highly adaptable robots in response to unforeseen circumstances. Further research is needed to introduce this flexibility into robots and AI.

The first phase of automation involves testing robot automation in a predefined process, such as picking up raw materials and placing them online. The second phase involves extending the test to multiple functions and processes, such as packaging raw materials and products together. The third phase is the deployment of collaborative robots and adaptive AI as employee assistants, which is the best goal currently achievable.

It is unclear when the fourth phase will be fully automated and without human intervention. But Musk's attempt is worthy of praise. He may have underestimated humanity, but the lessons he has learned are valuable and help him to surpass others in the future.

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